
Protecting Our Rural Identity

As a 30-year resident of Dayton and a fifth-generation Northern Nevadan, John is a strong advocate for protecting Lyon County's rural way of life. He is committed to supporting all of Lyon County's unique communities, honoring their individual master plans, and ensuring that growth is responsible and managed to abide by the community identity.

Supporting Law Enforcement

John stands with our Lyon County Sheriff's Department and will work to ensure that each Lyon County community has sufficient deputy coverage. John will also advocate for coordination with the Nevada Highway Patrol and neighboring police departments to keep our roads and communities safe.

Election Security

It is the duty of the county governments to ensure that our elections are secure. John will support the County Clerk to ensure elections are conducted fairly and transparently in Lyon County.

Managed Growth

With the huge growth in Northern Nevada, of course more people want to enjoy our Lyon County way of life. That is why it is so important that development and growth be sustainable and carefully managed. John has a proven record of service on the Lyon County planning commission of holding developments to area master plans and development codes to ensure projects meet the characteristics of the community.

Regional Coordination

John believes it is critical for Lyon County to have a voice at the table when it comes to regional decisions.